Kia ora, this blog intends to provide a record of Kāhui Kai Tahu's (an Otago Polytechnic Maori Staff group) trip to present at the International Network of Indigenous Health Conference (INIHKD). The conference will be held in Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A. from the 24th-28th of May 2010. In addition to presenting at the conference the party will also be meeting with persons and communities concerned with Indigenous health in Vancouver and surrounding areas. We hope you find our record both informative and entertaining.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Conferences days two, three and four

Apologies for the lack of entries over the last two days but they have been busy! The conference had some really interesting presentation particularly those related to health initiatives and services which where up and running to meet the needs of indigenous peoples. It was pleasing from an OT point of view to see that a number of these programes had a solid basis in occupation, gardening, traditional crafts, getting into nature etc. It would also be fair to say that a lot of presenters repeated information related to the study of the health issues facing various indigenous population. We also made a number of contact both in NZ and abroad.

We'd be happy to outline the presentation we attended for those who may have seen the linked program.

Khyla presented on the Tuesday of the conference and Justine, Kristi and myself presented on Thursday. Being the first international presentation for the younger ones it was a really positive experience. Justine received a number of questions an contact related to her diabetes presentation. Kristi and myself have been talking about how we could repackage our presentation for publication.

That's all for now as we're in transit now and heading home. Talk face to face with most of you soon.

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