Kia ora, this blog intends to provide a record of Kāhui Kai Tahu's (an Otago Polytechnic Maori Staff group) trip to present at the International Network of Indigenous Health Conference (INIHKD). The conference will be held in Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A. from the 24th-28th of May 2010. In addition to presenting at the conference the party will also be meeting with persons and communities concerned with Indigenous health in Vancouver and surrounding areas. We hope you find our record both informative and entertaining.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Monday 17th May

Leave Dunedin 11:25am.

Arrive Akld 3:00pm. Depart Akld 7:30pm.

Arrive San Fran 12:45pm. Depart San Fran 6:50pm.

Arrive Vancouver 9:04pm

Tuesday 18th May

Vancouver – University of British Colombia

Wednesday 19th May

Vancouver – Day Trip – Inuit Youth Service

Thursday 20th May

Leave Vancouver 12:30pm

Arrive Seattle 1:20pm

Friday 21st May


Saturday 22nd May

Seattle – Sight Seeing

Sunday 23rd May

Seattle – Sight Seeing

Monday 24th May

Seattle – Pre-conference workshops beginning 7:30am

Opening Ceremonies 3:00 – 10:00pm

Kiana Beach Clambake and Oyster feast

Tuesday 25th May

Seattle –Conference 8 – 6:00

Banquet Dinner

Wednesday 26th May

Seattle – Conference 8 – 5:30

Open Evening - Sweat Lodges/Swamp Tea Gathering

Thursday 27th May

Seattle – Conference 8- 5:45

Banquet Signature Salmon Dinner and DJ Dancing

Friday 28th May

Seattle – Conference

Leave Seattle 2:10pm.

Arrive San Francisco 4:17pm. Depart San Francisco 9:00pm

Saturday 29th May


Sunday 30th May

Arrive Auckland 5:15am. Depart Auckland 7:15am.

Arrive Dunedin 9:10am


  1. Yay for busy schedules! Rach

  2. Great to have your schedule on here so we can follow you! I'm going to put it out across Twitter and also through our OT4OT group on facebook - just as an example of how someone can use blogging to keep colleagues in touch with their activities - is that okay?
    Safe travels!

  3. Yep sure is. As you can see I'm now getting time to blog.
