Kia ora, this blog intends to provide a record of Kāhui Kai Tahu's (an Otago Polytechnic Maori Staff group) trip to present at the International Network of Indigenous Health Conference (INIHKD). The conference will be held in Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A. from the 24th-28th of May 2010. In addition to presenting at the conference the party will also be meeting with persons and communities concerned with Indigenous health in Vancouver and surrounding areas. We hope you find our record both informative and entertaining.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day one Dr Lee's presentation on Hastings Street

I accompanied Lee to a talk he was giving to drug and alcohol councilors and support workers on Hastings Street, Down Town Vancouver. Very mush an eye opening experience for a boy from Dunedin. I met some people who were doing some amazing work in very trying circumstances. They were really connected with the community they worked in. It was truly moving to hear Lee talk about his own experiences growing up around drug abuse and alcoholism and what changed his life. The group he talked to were called the Portland foundation but I could not find a link for them on the net (will keep trying). It was also heart warming to find a community garden amongst all the closed down business and boarded up shop fronts. On the way back to the hotel Lee informed me that we had been invited to participate in a sweat lodge during our visit to a youth center the next day. Stay tuned to find out about what happened........ The community garden I came across.

Street View of Hastings St

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